The CultCast

On this, our last episode ever of the year, we throw out the naughty 2012 with new iPad 5 and mini rumors, our iOS 7 hopes & dreams, and our favorite must-see movies from the year gone by.

All while discovering the true nature of one Mr. L. Kahney…  he's not who you think he is!

Thanks to DigiDNA, crafters of DiskAid 6, for making this episode possible.  

DiskAid 6 is the best way to transfer videos, documents, and other information on and off your iDevices with ease.  Download your voicemails, call logs, photos, videos, or anything else right to your computer—all via WiFi, all without long iTunes syncing—with the new DiskAid 6.

Download it today and use its basic features for free at

Direct download: CultCast_49_-_Off_The_CuffCast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:49pm PST

On this week's CultCast, we're ending the year with our favorite gear! Don't miss our "End of Days, Faves 'N Raves," where pitch our favorite apps, accessories, games, even shows, of 2012.

But before that, we'll break down the whole Instagram debacle for you, and tell you why you should be paying attention to the big I's plans for your personal pics.

All that and Tim Cook, person of the year?

Our twitters! @erfon, @lkahney, @bst3r, @alexeheath

And thanks to our sponsor, CrashPlan for making this episode possible.

CrashPlan is automatic, offsite, data backup for your PC or Mac. With CrashPlan, your important files are protected, but accessible to you – anytime, anywhere.

CrashPlan is also what Erfon uses to keep his Macs securely backed up.

Try it out for free at

Direct download: CultCast_48_-_Holiday_2012_Cult-a-sode.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:18pm PST

Google's new Maps App is out for iOS!  We'll tell you what we love and don't.

Plus, a very special announcement we couldn't have made without you, our much-loved CultCast listeners.

Then, Flickr's new app; Twitter wants to be your Instagram; and don't miss our end chat on The Hobbit and, best movie of 2013, FRIGGIN' ALIENS.

Direct download: CultCast_47_December_13_2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:53pm PST

On this week's CultCast, Erfon rants: why Apple Maps has lost its luster; Ashton Kutcher does his best Steve jOBS impression; then, Tim Cook charms and makes some interesting comments in his interview with Brian Williams - we analyze!


Thanks To Our Sponsor


DigiDNA, makers of DiskAid 5, the iPhone, iPad, and iPod transfer tool for Mac *and* PC.

Try DiskAid 5 for free at, and save 30% on a license at checkout with code THECULTCAST at checkout.

Direct download: CultCast_46_December_6_2012.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 5:28pm PST

Apple has finally given us iTunes 11, and oh boy, is it a worthy upgrade.  We'll tell you what we like, what we don't, but more importantly, what Apple needs to make iTunes relevant again.

And then our thoughts on's baffling new iPhone accessory and social network.  Will anyone wanna buy this thing?


Thanks To Our Sponsor


Cult of Mac Deals!  Grab 10 great apps, including Camtasia 2, Circus Ponies Notebook, Little Snapper, and a whole host of other great apps for only $49.99.  

If you bought all these apps separately it would be $780!  Check out the deal now before the it expires at 

Direct download: CultCast_45_November_29_2012.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 5:45pm PST

Apple's Black Friday sales; Oprah's love for the iPad; and Tim Cook's favorite Thanksgiving accoutrements all on this very gravy-covered over-stuffed CultCast!


Thanks To Our Sponsor


Thanks to Audible for sponsoring the show!

Audible is the best place on the internet to get your audio books and entertainment, with over 100,000 titles to choose from in every imaginable genre.  Audible's spoken entertainment titles also work on any MP3 player, no iPod required.

Get your free audio book now at

Direct download: CultCast_44_November_21_2012.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 9:48pm PST

Apple and HTC put their lawsuits behind them; Microsoft's paid cavalcade of celebrity Windows Phone endorsements make us sad; and Apple's big new plans to to fan the flames of employee innovation.

As you'll soon hear, no topic is safe from discussion on this week's CultCast!

All that and a big Faves 'N Raves controversy meltdown!


Thanks To Our Sponsor


DigiDNA, makers of DiskAid 5, the iPhone, iPad, and iPod transfer tool for Mac and PC.

Try DiskAid 5 for free at, and save 30% on a license at checkout with code THECULTCAST at checkout.

Direct download: CultCast_43_November_15_2012.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 3:57pm PST

On this week's CultCast, with no new Apple hardware to wax on and on about, we were forced to come up with real, actual content!

So begrudgingly, this week we cover some of our favorite and most useful productivity apps; tell you if you can ever expect to see Google's answer to Apple Maps released to the App Store; and did you know Samsung's about to change their logo to a pear with a bite taken out of it?  Kidding!  But rumor is they're about to rebrand in a major more "Apple-like" way…

All that and more on this week's CultCast!


Thanks To Our Sponsor


Thanks to Audible for sponsoring the show!

Audible is the best place on the internet to get your audio books and entertainment, with over 100,000 titles to choose from in every imaginable genre.  Audible's spoken entertainment titles also work on any MP3 player, no iPod required.

Get your free audio book now at

Direct download: CultCast_42_November_8_2012.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 4:43pm PST

Ok, so we've fondling Apple's new iPad mini for hours and hours now, and we're ready to report our first impressions and answer the question: without a retina display, is the iPad mini a worthy replacement for its larger, retina-pixeled brother?

Direct download: CultCast_41_iPad_Mini_Hands-On_Special_Edition.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 1:43am PST

It's an Apple executive shakedown, and all sorts of fruit is falling off the tree!

Find out what the departure of long time exectutive Scott Forstall and the just-hired John Browett means for iOS, OS X, Apple stores, and all the great Apple products you love.  Plus, Jony Ive's about to get even more design control over all the Macs you love to own, but is that a good thing?

Then, get out your lighsbaers, cause we're diving deep into the Disney acquisition of LucasFilm and what that means for everyone's favorite space movies.

If this doesn't end in another Spaceballs movie, we're gonna be upset.


Thanks To Our Sponsor


DigiDNA, makers of DiskAid 5, the iPhone, iPad, and iPod transfer tool for Mac and PC.

Try DiskAid 5 for free at, and save 30% on a license at checkout with code THECULTCAST at checkout.


Direct download: CultCast_40_November_1_2012.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 6:27pm PST

Kindle; Nexus; Surface—they're all doomed, and on this week's CultCast, we'll tell why Apple's new iPad mini will most definitely sit as the king of all tabs small.

Then, we review a new social iOS game so stellar, it'll have you clamoring for Game Center friends just so you can get your fix.

Get your play on!

Direct download: CultCast_39_October_25_2012.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 2:59pm PST

Fresh off the Apple iPad Mini media event, we're ready to give our fist impressions of the iPad Mini, the new, thinner iMac, and just 7 months since it's last new model, the controversial new 4th gen iPad.

Cultcast: we're here to pump *clap* YOU UP!

Direct download: CultCast_Special_EP_38_October_23_2012.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 12:55pm PST

New new new!

New mini iPads; new retina Macbooks; new Mac Minis; new iMacs; we'll tell you everything we know and expect from Apple's October 23rd media event on this week's all-new CultCast!

Plus: new 3rd-party lightening adapters and cables—we'll tell you when to expect them.


Thanks To Our Sponsor


DigiDNA, makers of DiskAid 5, the iPhone, iPad, and iPod transfer tool for Mac and PC.

Try DiskAid 5 for free at, and save 30% on a license at checkout with code THECULTCAST at checkout.

Direct download: CultCast_EP_37_October_18_2012.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 5:07pm PST

It's back to the Mac on this week's CultCast!  We'll tell you everything we know about Apple's secret 13-inch Retina Macbook Pro, and why you might be seeing it before the year's end.  Plus, we've picked three Mac apps we love and tell you why you should install them post-haste.

Then, is Apple's Passbook really going to takeover the world of tickets, coupons, and payments?  It's tough to imagine, especially with how little Passbook can do now.  But imagine coupons on your lock screen right when you need them and making payments with nothing but your iPhone.  In time, we believe Passbook will let you do exactly that.

All that and the hidden powers of a well-groomed mustache on this week's CultCast!


Thanks To Our Sponsor


Thanks to Audible for sponsoring the show!

Audible is the best place on the internet to get your audio books and entertainment, with over 100,000 titles to choose from in every imaginable genre.  Audible's spoken entertainment titles also work on any MP3 player, no iPod required.

Get your free audio book now at

Direct download: CultCast_EP_36_October_11_2012.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 5:16pm PST

Hey, you know what's getting bad rap these days?  Apple Maps!  Sure, it's got issues, but it's not all bee stings and bug bites, and on this episode of the 'Cast, we'll tell you exactly why some of us actually love it.

Then, with the anniversary of his death on Oct. 5th, we remember the life and works of Steve Jobs; ponder how the things he touched all turned to gold; and examine the price he paid for conquering the world of tech.

All that and more on this week's CultCast!


Thanks To Our Sponsor


DigiDNA, makers of DiskAid 5, the iPhone, iPad, and iPod transfer tool for Mac and PC.

Try DiskAid 5 for free at, and save 30% on a license at checkout with code THECULTCAST at checkout.

Direct download: CultCast_EP_35_October_4_2012.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 4:40pm PST

Don't adjust your volume, that really is Steve Woz you're hearing on this episode of The CultCast! 

And what an episode it shall be!  Hear Steve's thoughts on Apple's new maps strategy; his opinions on Apple's shiny new iPhone 5; and of course, EarPods!

Plus, Woz's tells us why a post-Jobs Apple is stronger than ever, but why us fans need us fans to keep the pressure on.

Hit play and let the WozCast begin!

Direct download: CultCast_EP_34_September_27_2012.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 6:39pm PST

It's been a full 24 hours since we got our strong man hands on the all-new iPhone 5, and we're now ready to report the stuff we like, the stuff we don't, and why when it comes to devices, bigger is ALWAYS better.

Think you can handle a full fives inches of Apple iPhone?  Hit that play button and find out!

Direct download: CultCast_EP_33_September_22_2012.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 4:36pm PST

McLovin' some of that iOS 6 action?  Us too, and on this week's CultCast, we'll tell you which new and hidden features are our favorites.

Then, back by popular demend, we answer your excellent Facebook questions, dear listeners.  

And don't miss Faves 'N Raves, the game where we pitch our favorite tech and apps then note on which one's best!


Thanks To Our Sponsor


DigiDNA, makers of DiskAid 5, the iPhone, iPad, and iPod transfer tool for Mac and PC.

Try DiskAid 5 for free at, and save 30% on a license at checkout with code THECULTCAST at checkout.

Direct download: CultCast_EP_32_September_20_2012.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 5:06pm PST

It's our Apple iPhone 5 media event extravaganza! 

In this special episode, we'll tell you everything we know about Apple's new iPhone and iPod, and which new features are our favorites.

Plus, the feature we've all been waiting for is here:  the iPod touch Loop!  We ponder how we ever lived life without it….

Hit that play button!


Thanks To Our Sponsor


Might Tees, the best place on the internet to buy your Apple and Jobsian-inspired graphic tees.  Might Tees designs, prints, and sews all their tees right here in the beautiful USA, but ships all over the world.

Check them out at, and save 15% off any order with the code CultCast15 at checkout.

Direct download: CultCast_EP_31_September_13_2012.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 4:36pm PST

The iPhone 5 is nigh!  And on this episode of the CultCast, we'll tell you everything we know about it, ponder what Apple will actually be naming it, and how to hang on to that unlimited data plan your carrier wants to move you out of.

Plus, looks like there's a new HD tablet in town, and this one is looking pretty dern good, partner. We'll tell you why Amazon's new Kindle Fire HD could actually be the first non-Apple you might just want to buy.

Hit the play button and let's get this party rollin'!


Thanks To Our Sponsor


DigiDNA, makers of DiskAid 5, the iPhone, iPad, and iPod transfer tool for Mac and PC.

Try DiskAid 5 for free at, and save 30% on a license at checkout with code THECULTCAST at checkout.

Direct download: CultCast_EP_30_September_6_2012.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 5:09pm PST

It's a battle royal!  Don't miss our Apple Vs. Samsung trial breakdown where Cult of Mac reporter Jose Fermoso tells us what it was like to be in the tension-filled courtroom,  what the verdict means for consumers, and where Apple and Samsung go from here.

Then, it's a topic you suggested, dear CultCast listeners!  We talk AppleCare, Apple's extended warranty program, and tell you when it makes sense, when it doesn't, and which gadgets you should always keep covered.

All that and an exclusive report from, the site you should NEVER visit.


Thanks To Our Sponsor


Might Tees, the best place on the internet to buy your Apple and Jobsian-inspired graphic tees.

Might Tees designs, prints, and sews all their tees right here in the beautiful USA, but ships all over the world.

Check them out at, and save 15% off any order with the code CultCast15 at checkout.

Direct download: CultCast_EP_29_August_30_2012.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 4:24pm PST

It's CultCast #28, and in this episode, we'll tell you why you need to be pissed that AT&T is trying to squeeze more nickels out of you to use FaceTime over 3G.

Then, we ponder Apple's meteoric rise to the most valuable company in the world, and calculate just how rich you'd be if you'd bought stock at its low point in 2008. 

And don't miss Yay or Nay, the game where we validate or squash the week's most popular Apple rumors.

All that and our thoughts on Tim Cook's first full year as Apple CEO—hit the play button already! 


Thanks To Our Sponsor


DigiDNA, makers of DiskAid 5, the iPhone, iPad, and iPod transfer tool for Mac and PC.

Try DiskAid 5 for free at, and save 30% on a license at checkout with code THECULTCAST at checkout.

Direct download: CultCast_EP_28_August_23_2012.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 4:34pm PST

Leander is back for CultCast #27, and boy is he ready to GUV it up!

Join team CultCast as we discuss the recent Jobs home burglary; why the Apple TV might soon be live-streaming; more iPhone 5 rumors;  and then the big September 12th media unveiling.

Also, as requested by our listeners, we dicuss which web browers are the best and which we love most.

Then, Faves and Raves!  The segment where we pitch our favorite apps and tech then vote on which is best.

God Save The Queen!


Thanks To Our Sponsor


Might Tees, the best place on the internet to buy your Apple and Jobsian-inspired graphic tees.

Might tees designs, prints, and sews all their tees right here in the beautiful USA, but ships all over the world.

Check them out at, and save 15% off any order with the code CultCast15 at checkout.

Direct download: CultCast_EP_27_August_16_2012.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 3:47pm PST

The heat shield is off, and the supersonic parachute is deployed - this episode of the CultCast is ready for touchdown!

On this new ep., we ponder the Mars Curiosity Rover, and how a team full of Mac users landed it safely on another world.

Then, let us regale you with the tale of how one very well-known tech writer got all his devices erased when hackers stole his Apple ID.  We'll tell you how you can prevent your datas from getting thieved and which backup strategies we use to keep ours safe.

And finally, Facebook questions!  You told us what you wanted us to cover on our new Facebook page, we're ready to work!


Thanks To Our Sponsors


DigiDNA, makers of DiskAid 5, the iPhone, iPad, and iPod transfer tool for Mac and PC.

Try DiskAid 5 for free at, and save 30% on a license at checkout with code THECULTCAST at checkout.


And thanks to Pimp My Screen, the app that makes it super easy to customize your iOS device with different home and lock screens and so much more.  

New and exclusive art is being added daily, and Pimp My Screen is half-off right now on the iOS App Store — grab it for just 99 cents!

Direct download: CultCast_EP_26_August_9_2012.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 4:29pm PST

Hard to believe we're already at episode 25!  And what an episode this will be, friends.

Find out all we know about Apple's mystery September 12th event, and what new goodies they will be revealing unto us  that fine day.

Then, is the iPhone getting boring?  Will the iPhone 5 just be playing catchup to a world of more-advanced Android products?  Some tech-stars think so, but we've got some other ideas on the matter.

And, back by popular demand, don't miss Faves N Raves!  The segment where we pitch our favorite new tech and apps then vote on which reigns supreme!

Thanks to Might Tees for sponsoring this episode of The CultCast.  

Might Tees makes the finest Apple-inspired t-shirts in the land.  All their designs are lovingly created by indie artists, then printed right here in the beautiful U.S. of A.

Might Tees uses only the best inks and cottons in their designs, and ships orders worldwide.

Check them out at, and save 15% off your order at checkout with the code CULTCAST15.

Direct download: CultCast_EP_25_August_2nd_2012.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 5:29pm PST

Our Mountain Lion Megasode is here!  

We'll tell you what we like, what we love, which hidden features we've discovered, and whether you should upgrade or do a clean install.

Then, whose got better taste, Microsoft or Apple?  We think the answer is obvious, but  Apple's skeuomorphic design choices have some wondering if they're headed in the wrong direction.

And finally, SPOILER ALERT!  We have an impromptu dicussion on The Dark Rises, the new Batman movie that we're not quite sure we love — it's complicated.

This episode of The CultCast is brought to you by the good people at,  makers of DiskAid 5 - the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Transfer tool for PC and Mac.  

DiskAid is the simple way to transfer any file, photo, song, even voicemail message or call log, from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod right to your Mac (or PC!).  Try it out for free at, and if you'd like to buy it save 30% at checkout with code THECULTCAST.

Direct download: CultCast_EP_24_July_26_2012.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 5:35pm PST

Batman tries to destroy the CultCast; how too much time and money transformed Woz in the king of all geeks; telecoms at it again, want to charge you for FaceTime over 3G; Macbook Air Vs. Pro, which is right for you?

Then, Faves and Raves, the game where we pitch our favorite apps then vote on which is best!

This episode of The CultCast is sponsored by Hover, our favorite place on the web to buy domain names.

Hover is the Apple of the domain name world.  With a beautiful user experience and website, free private domain registration, and simple, straight-forward domain pricing, Hover is the best place to purchase and manage your internet domains. 

Check them out at to get 10% off your order!  

Direct download: CultCast_EP_23_July_19_2012.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 3:37pm PST

An SSD upgrade transforms Erfon's Macbook Pro into a new machine; our favorite Twitter apps; Rumor Control: will we finally see an updated iPod come fall?

And finally, is Steve Ballmer too uncool to run Microsoft?  We'll tell you what we think.

We join forces once again with Chris Foremans from Ars Technica to bring you the best Apple discussion in the land!

Thanks to DigiDNA for sponsoring the show.  Check out DiskAid 5, the handy iPhone, iPad & iPod Transfer Tool for PC & Mac.  And save 30% on a license with code CULTCAST at checkout!

Direct download: CultCast_EP_22_July_12_2012.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 4:53pm PST

Rumor review: are iPad Minis and Retina iMacs right around the corner?  Then, Buster describes what it's like switching to Android.  And don't leave that one-star App review just yet, your crashing apps are probably Apple's fault.  Plus, don't miss our favorite new apps and gear on our Faves 'N Raves segment.

All that and a *very* special guest introduction on this tasty new ep. of The CultCast NOM NOM. 

Direct download: CultCast_EP_21_July_5_2012.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 3:44pm PST

Buster takes a trip to Steve Job's house; our hands-on review of Apple's amazing new podcast app; and the Google Chrome browser comes to iOS — but is it better than Safari?

And then we answer your twitter questions! All that and more on this week's CultCast.

Direct download: CultCast_EP_20_June_28_2012.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 5:23pm PST

Join us and special guest, Gizmodo Editor-in-Chief Joe EFFN Brown, as we discuss why Spotify is better than Rdio; the big deal about Microsoft's new Surface tablet; and, are you a sad victim of Nip Burn?  We've got your solution!  All that and a whole lot more on this ep. of The CultCast.

Direct download: CultCast_EP_19_June_21_2012.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 5:35pm PST

New Macs; Mountain Lion; iOS6; we cover literally everything Apple announced at this week's WWDC, and tell you what's cool, what's not, and why 2012 is going to be a great year to be an Apple fan!

Direct download: CultCast_EP_18_Special_Edition.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 4:27pm PST

In this short, special edition episode, Erfon Elijah and Chris Foresman (of Ars Techinica) discuss the new Macbook Pro Retina model, the updates to the other Macbook Pro models, and updates to the Mac Pro tower 'o power.

We'll be back with another new episode on Thursday night with part 2 of our WWDC coverage.  No stone will be left unturned!  

Direct download: CultCast_EP_16.5_Special_Edition.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 6:04pm PST

All our Mac and iOS WWDC predictions and expectations; the winning gear of this week's Fave and Raves; and we're joined by Chris Foresman of Ars Technica!

Direct download: CultCast_EP_16_June_7_2012.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 4:48pm PST

Apple CEO Tim Cook just took the stage at the All Things D Conference.  How'd he do?  What'd he reveal about Siri, Apple's secret TV, and Steve Jobs?  We cover it all on this week's CultCast. 

And don't miss us chat about the future of Mac Pro, and answer your listener twitter questions!

Direct download: CultCast_EP_15_May_31_2012.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 4:27pm PST

Jony Ive gets knighted; is Siri Apple's next ping?  And then a new segment: Faves & Raves!  All that and more on this week's CultCast. 

Direct download: CultCast_EP_14_May_24_2012.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:51pm PST

WWDC is in a mere 3 weeks (June 11th), and this sold-out event is going to be action packed.  We're expecting new Macbook Pros, iOS 6, Mountain Lion 10.8, and Retina display everything.  Will we see new iMacs, too?  We'll tell you what we know and our Apple hopes and dreams on this week's CultCast.

Direct download: CultCast_EP_13_May_17_2012.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 6:15pm PST

We spill the beans in this ep, revealing everything our secret Apple source told us about Apple's upcoming HDTV.

Plus, what the craziest Apple fan we've ever seen just did to prove his worthiness, and then we reveal our favorite apps of the week - all that and more on this episode 12 of The CultCast!

Direct download: CultCast_EP_12_May_10_2012.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 6:34pm PST

You asked for it, you got it!  In this jammed-packed episode we reveal our favorite apps of the week, then vote on which app shall reign supreme!  But first, we yay and nay our way through some iPhone 5 and Apple rumors — are we really going to see an iPhone with a 4 inch screen?

And for those of you who'd like even more punishment, we left in our 20 minute impromptu conversation about the movies we love and hate.

All that and more on this week's CultCast!

Direct download: CultCast_EP_11_May_3_2012.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 6:37pm PST

In the 12 years advertising executive Ken Segall worked closely with Steve Jobs, he named the iMac, and also helped develop Apple's famous Think Different ad campaign.  

Ken has a new book out, titled, Insanely Simple: The Obsession That Drives Apple's Success.  And in this episode of The CultCast, Ken regales us with stories about what it was really like working with Steve Jobs, and what makes Apple so different from every other company on earth.

Direct download: CultCast_EP_10_April_26_2012.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 3:11pm PST

New iPad screen problems; more rumors on the iPad mini; and have you ever been curious about pros and cons Jailbreaking?  Then don't miss our Jailbreak Breakdown on this minty-fresh episode of The CultCast.

Direct download: CultCast_EP_9_April_19_2012.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 6:13pm PST

New "Air-like" Macbook Pro's are almost here, what's Apple changing? Facebook eats Instagram and what that means for you.  And the Flashback virus could be on your Mac, here's now to fix it.  

Oh, and we're joined by Ars Technica Writer Chris Foresman!  All that and more on this week's CultCast.

Direct download: CultCast_EP_8_April_12_2012.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 6:43pm PST

Highschool kids these days running around with iPhones; Ashton Kutcher playing Steve Jobs in a new movie; Apple's new $1250 "iPanel" TV; this week's CultCast is jam-packed with only the best in curated Apple tid-bits!

Direct download: CultCast_EP_7_April_5_2012.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 6:05pm PST

What a show this week!  Join us and special guest, Ars Technica Contributor Chris Foreman, as we venture into the finances of Apple's filthy-rich executives; discuss how Tim Cook is running Apple differently than Steve Jobs; take a look at Tim's recent tour through the Foxconn plant; and a 5 inch iPhone Retina display — is this thing for real?  We go on rumor patrol.

All that and more on this week's CultCast!

Direct download: CultCast_EP_6_March_29_2012.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 5:55pm PST

Is your new iPad getting hot as Hades?  Is the Post-PC revolution a real thing?  And just when are we going to get Retina displays in our Macbooks?  All that and more on this week's CultCast!

Direct download: CultCast_EP_5_March_22_2012.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:02pm PST

Why yes, we did just release episode 4 of The CultCast two days ago, but this is a special New-iPad hands-on edition!  They're here, we have them, and in this special episode, we tell you what we think of them.

We also decided to include an impromptu preshow discussion on the Agony and Ecstasy Of Steve Jobs, the monologue that's been getting press lately for allegedly being partly fabricated.  It's done so much good in the world, does it matter if it's not 100% true?

Direct download: CultCast_EP_4.5_March_17_2012.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 3:11pm PST

Steve Jobs dolls, Macbook Pro rumors, mesmerizing iPad retina displays, and the hot new iOS game all the kids are talking about — it's all that and more on this week's CultCast.

Direct download: CultCast_EP_4_March_15_2012.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 7:24pm PST

Erfon, Leander, and Buster talk all about the "new" iPad and Apple TV!  We review iPad's new features;  is the Retina display a real retina display?; is it worth upgrading from the iPad 2?; then we discuss questions and comments from you, our listeners; oh yeah, we also talk about the new Apple TV.

All this and MORE on this episode of The CultCast

Direct download: CultCast_EP_3_March_8_2012.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 8:11pm PST

It's CultCast episode 2!  In this ep. Erfon Elijah, Leander Kahney, and Buster Heine review iPad 3 rumors and what we expect to see when it's announced March 7th.  We discuss Apple's stock momentum and if it can continue. Then we wrap with AT&T: is it justified in throttling high-bandwidth users?  

All that and more in this week's CultCast.

Direct download: CultCast_EP_2_March_1_2012.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 9:38pm PST

The CultCast Episode 1 is finally here!  In this episode we review our favorite new features in OS X Mountain Lion, Apple's handling of its labor woes in China, and Steve Jobs home, is it becoming a new mecca for Apple fans?  All that and more in our maiden episode of The CultCast.

Direct download: CultCast_EP_1_February_23_2012.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 8:28pm PST

Welcome to the CultCast!

Cult of Mac's shiny new podcast, CultCast, is the best 30 minute conversation about Apple you'll hear all week. 

Direct download: Welcome_to_the_CultCast.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 12:42am PST